(From 05/29/11)
Greetings and welcome!

This is
kind of a sequel to my previous blog "
Dolls+Stuffs." There were quite a few things that I wasn't very fond of with my last blog, and so I've decided to start this new one. It'll pretty much have the same theme as "
Dolls+Stuffs", which is dolls, but hopefully I'll update this blog more and be able to fill in all of the missing pieces that I felt my last blog had. I just started this blog today, so it can really use some followers! Comments (I assure you) are highly loved, as well.
Also, by the way, did you noticed the picture on the left? My lovely gaiaonline.com friend,
x_PolyVinyl_x, presented me with it. It's a digital drawing of my self-O.C. (original character). She played around with the colors a bit, and I simply love it. Huge thanks to her for creating such a master piece for me! She's drawn my O.C. once before;
click here to see her first attempt.
~ Lola
Posted in :
broken dollies announcement