
(From 05/31/11)
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely "nathanclone(.deviantart.com)"
I love when people give their dolls little stories, so meet Valtiel. He's an 18 year old male with an adventurous life that you'll find out about later on in this post. Right now, lets talk about his owner for a moment. His owner's name is Devon and is a 19 year old male from Norway. When I told him that I wanted his doll photos and possibly an interview, he was very nice about it and responded to all my questions super quickly. The mini interview is below. My words/questions are typed in a soft purple, while his words/answers are typed in a soft blue - to avoid confusion.

Hi, dollies! Today we're here with.... Devon! *applause* Hey, doll - how's life?: Just great, thank you. :)

Sure thing, I'm glad to hear that. What inspired you to take this photo?: I've been listening to a lot of game soundtracks lately, and some of the tracks gave me these images in my head. So I had to rush outside as soon as the weather allowed me to and take the pictures I had "seen" in my head. :)

Very interesting! Why do you like photographing dolls?:
I find them to be the best models to work with. :D I can have them dress and pose the way I want without getting any complaints. Also, you can change wigs and eyes easily, if you want a specific theme or look in your pictures. With humans that would be a lot of stress, colouring hair or wigs, colour lenses and a lot of makeup (unless you use photoshop on all that).

Yup, and they're always available whenever you need them. Besides dolls, what else do you enjoy taking photos of?: Animals, especially cats; cats are such elegant creatures. I also like taking pictures of humans when I can find a model who is actually up for taking more than just plain portraits.

Cats are really elegant. What type of doll is that in the photo (Barbie, Blythe, Bratz, etc....)?: That is a BJD, which is short for ball-jointed-dolls. They are made of hard resin and have strings going through their bodies. The joints make them wonderful to use for photographing and posing. Many people also use them to make doll clothes and accessories.

You're making me want a BJD so badly! Did you use PhotoShop, or any other program/software for the photo?:
Yes, I always use photoshop to fix the light a little and crop the images so they keep the balance and contrast. Also, I usually have to change the size, so I don`t end up with pictures that are 3000+ pixels in size.

Ah, I see; that makes sense. In one of the photos' description, it states that Valtiel is 18 years old. Could you tell us more about Valtiel?:
Of course. :) Valtiel was born in Scotland. He's got a twin brother called Jeremy (he is curently without a body, so I dont have any pictures of him on dA yet). They grew up on a farm in Crieff. When they were younger, there was an epidemic going through the town and they were, like so many others, infected. They died not long afterwards. Nathan (the vampire, whom I also dont have any pictures of on DA, yet) was in the area at the time and heard about the twins. He decided quickly that he wanted them as his "minions" or "puppets" as he calls them. He put his mark on both of their right eye and awoken them igjenn. Valtiel has a great sense of humor and is social and outgoing. But, he is VERY stubborn; he can easily be angered and has somewhat an aggression problem, but he`s kind and protective towards his brother and those he cares about. Oh... and he loooooves turtleneck sweaters; he`s obsessed with them for some reason. :´D

Wow, they've got a whole story up your sleeve, don't you? Sounds really good! Random, but how old are you?: I`m 19 years old.

Haha, cool - and thanks again, Devon, for making this blog post possible.
 For more photos from Devon, be sure to check out his DeviantArt.com gallery!

*Bonus Photos!*
Click to see them larger over at DeviantArt.com!
Don't forget to leave Devon and his doll a comment while you're there.


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Blogaholic Designs”= Greetings, how's life? You can call me Lola. I'm just a boring teenage girl who still loves her dolls, but in a less childish way. Here, they'll find the more artistic side of dolls and other "kid stuff." If it's cute with an edge, it's here; that's what this blog is all about! If you rightfully own any doll photos you wouldn't mind me sharing on this blog, contact me; I'm always looking for new doll photos. ❤

It's Wednesday!


Blogaholic Designs”= Comments mean a lot to me; they motivate me to keep blogging. I love reading and replying to every single one. While you're here, please, leave a comment - on an old post, new post, it doesn't matter; all genuine comments are loved. ❤


Blogaholic Designs”= I tweet and am on #teamfollowback, so feel free to follow me. If you're not a member of Twitter.com, catch me on DeviantArt.com or Gaiaonline.com! ❤


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