
(From 06/02/11)
Photo Courtesy of the Lovely Amazon.com
Just an adorable necklace I stumbled across, on Amazon.com, by the wonderful Betsey Johnson. Considering that it has a doll formed charm on it, I thought it only made since to talk about it on here. The doll is so cute; I love her rosy cheeks. As you can see, it's $55.00 - but look at it! Definitely something to put on your "wishlist." ~ Lola


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Blogaholic Designs”= Greetings, how's life? You can call me Lola. I'm just a boring teenage girl who still loves her dolls, but in a less childish way. Here, they'll find the more artistic side of dolls and other "kid stuff." If it's cute with an edge, it's here; that's what this blog is all about! If you rightfully own any doll photos you wouldn't mind me sharing on this blog, contact me; I'm always looking for new doll photos. ❤

It's Wednesday!


Blogaholic Designs”= Comments mean a lot to me; they motivate me to keep blogging. I love reading and replying to every single one. While you're here, please, leave a comment - on an old post, new post, it doesn't matter; all genuine comments are loved. ❤


Blogaholic Designs”= I tweet and am on #teamfollowback, so feel free to follow me. If you're not a member of Twitter.com, catch me on DeviantArt.com or Gaiaonline.com! ❤


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